Hollywood Edge: The Super Single Vol.1 AKAI 英文光碟正式版
Hollywood Edge: The Super Single Vol.1 AKAI 英文光碟正式版
!!!使用說明: 本音色取樣光碟為 AKAI格式 (請使用有支援讀取AKAI的專業音源/編曲
The Super Single 1 and 2 are perfect for the home recordist, small project
producer, theater director or musician who needs a wide variety of effects
on a tight budget.
No skimping on quality here! The very same exacting precision of the
Premiere Edition is undertaken for The Super Single. The Hollywood Edge
has taken to heart the most requested sound effects and have created an
all new Super Single series. There are military sounds, all kinds of
crashes, car doors, horns from cars and trains, cartoons, animals, and
loads of footsteps.
As a producer, you should keep The Super Single in your briefcase with
you , and never be without The Hollywood Edge.
The Super Single is a very cost effective way to bring a project in,
under budget. A client who wants to have it all can certainly profit from
a project put together with the Super Single! From Alarms to Zips, you
can be sure that The Hollywood Edge hasn't forgotten about your creative
needs. And just because you're on a tight budget, it doesn't mean your
projects have to sound like it. These effects will surely add production
value to any project . It's our commitment to quality for the right price
that will bring you back for more when you're ready.