Mind Q AWT User Interface Programming 英文教學光碟正式版
Mind Q AWT User Interface Programming 英文教學光碟正式版
JavaBeans 和組件理論、 Java開發包、等等。
The series covers the introductory, intermediate and advanced aspects of Java
programming. This includes language fundamentals, visual development tools,
JavaBeans and component theory, the Java Development Kit, Class Libraries,
security, user interface programming, JDBC, CORBA, and more.
Developer Training for Java features many modular courses in Java, including:
Overview of the Java Platform
Overview of Java Technology Tools
Java for C/C++ Programmers
Basic Java Language Syntax
Visual J++
Java Objects and Classes
Visual Cafe
Advanced Java Language, part 1
Advanced Java Language, part 2
AWT User Interface Programming
JDBC and Databases
Programming JavaBeans
Java Security
Java and CORBA
Networking in the Java Language
As a training tool, Developer Training for Java enables corporations to quickly
train application developers and software engineers in Java technologies.
The "courseware" can also play a key role in helping programmers master the
skills that are required to pass the Sun Microsystems' Java Programmers
Certification Exam.