DIGITALTUTORS INTRODUCTION TO SOFTIMAGE 2014 (Softimage骨骼入門教學) 英文教學版(DVD9一片裝 此片售價200元)
understanding of the core features found in Softimage, and help you ease your
transition into this very powerful program.
While viewing these lessons, you will have the opportunity to learn from
several of the professional Softimage tutors who are part of Digital-Tutors
and experts in their subject area.
In the first portion of this tutorial, we will get you familiar with some of
the vocabulary and foundational skills that are necessary to begin moving
around and working in Softimage. From there, we will explore some of the
modeling features found in Softimage, and begin building the vehicle that
will serve as our central project for the remainder of this tutorial.
From there, we take you through the entire process of adding textures and
materials to the vehicle, adding animated movement and animation controls,
using the Interactive Creative Environment (ICE) to add particle and smoke
dynamics, and finally we learn how to add lights, shadows, and output our
final animated sequence.